
Paper Model of New Atlantis II


People see foreign villas and towers in mirrors and find them great, so that they deconstruct their own house and want to change them into the foreign style as they see in the mirror. However, craftsmen don’t have the knowledge to build that kind of buildings, to satisfy citizens, they build many simple boxes and painted foreign feature on the facades. They keep paint things like arch doors, arch windows, Ionic columns, dome and relievos on new houses. Although these buildings are just crude imitation with ludicrous effects, citizens of Atlantis like them a lot. After a period, the craftsmen start to forget how to build in their own style and the new Atlantis loss its technique forever.


Paper Model of New Atlantis

Tin Factory

Now the city has to subsist without the supply by Poseidon, so it decides to trade with other lands. New Atlantis is good at making tins. (Metaphorize into Intermodal container) It’s easy to catch fish or shrimps around it and make them into fish tins. But that’s not enough. For earning more money, peoples package their house in tins, cut trees to made wood tins, fill sea water into tins, even more, they package themselves into tins to sell to the world. For the inexpensive price and huge quantity of tins, gradually, Atlantis becomes the biggest factory which producing different kinds of tins in the world. At the same time, some of the other lands become to rely on the cheap products of Atlantis. Using these tins, Atlantis exchanges a lot of things that comes from other lands. They barter their fish and shrimp with fish oil and shrimp paste; barter their house with concrete and sand, barter their trees with foreign sapling and seed.


The New Atlantis

The new Atlantis has become a marine city, which is not belongs to the sea as well as the land. What remain is just a skeleton, all the other things has left in the bottom of the sea. People decide to pull the whole city to a mainland for they have already abandoned or be abandoned by their sea god Poseidon. Chasing the beautiful future and hope, everybody in Atlantis tries hard searching a wonderful mainland and pulling the city to go forward.

Then, the new Atlantis begins to travel. As Atlantis has already abandoned its technology in its rebirth, people have to paddle the Oar of Atlantis all by hand, just like ancient people transit the big stones of pyramid in Egypt. However, people don’t know where the mainland is, what they can do is just use the maximum power to pull the city and follow the surrounding people. When others turn left, they turn left, when others turn right, they turn right, when others stop, they stop. There are several people in the front try to lead the city, but they just let the whole city go on the rampage. In order to let all the citizens can find the direction, the city rise a pillar and put a guide on the top of it. Even this guide not really pointing at a mainland, but people feel peaceful as they see it and believe they are in the right direction.


Maya Practice 1

Outcomes in 2 days learning :)


Fragment of Life 2

Installation 1: Input and Output

In the process of navigation, people always can meet some storyteller. Some of them are come from mainland while some are going to mainland. They tell the people in Atlantis a lot of stories about their land. Each storyteller has a little mirror which can reflect a small area of their mainland. Thought their stories and mirrors, citizens in Atlantis are fascinated by the scene and living method of mainland. They find that quite nice and novelty. So that they begin to build their city follow the appearance of the world that inside the mirror. The more they see the more things they add on this new Atlantis, the newer things they find, the quicker they build their own city. Their judgments are mostly base on the story by storyteller, if the story is interesting enough, the storyteller can earn a lot of prize from this marine city. In this case, numerous storytellers roll in Atlantis from all over the world with endless anecdotes and varied mirrors. Welcoming these people, citizens of Atlantis add all the things they heard in their city as well as those mirrors from the storyteller. With numerous mirrors sticking in its body, the marine city gradually change to be a huge monster on the sea. Now, you can find nearly all the things from other mainland in the new Atlantis, including buildings, landscapes, memories, emotions, desires… But if you observe them carefully, you will find there are more or less differences between them and the real things from mainland.

Installation 2: Education System

People see schools and libraries in mirrors and find them great, so that they gather all the children together and train them. Every day they suffer six exams of six different subjects. After finishing all the education process, they have a chance to change themselves from half-fish and half-human into sailor, from the citizen to manager. However, this selection is mostly base on the social rank of their family.

Installation 3: Blundering Society

People see investment markets in mirrors and find them great, so that they throw themselves in the market. However, this market not determine by supply, demand or cost but the mood of sailor. In this situation, people always lose and sailors always win.


Fragment of Life

Fragment 1: Education System

Flagment 2: Blundering Society