
Rebirth of "Atlantis"

The Self-Sadistic City

City Locked by Poseidon

Extrication From Poseidon

The Rebirth of "Atlantis"
The merged Atlantis becomes a locked city, losing connection with outside world, neither intending to touch anyone outside. The locked city underwater is full of regrets, where people are living a hard life, rare of food and clothes. Moreover, people evolutes into a creature of half-fish and half-human in order to survive. They all believe the disaster are due to their gravity which results the heavily punishment of God Poston. They deserve it. And now, they have to pray in front of their god for his forgiveness and mercy day and night. Nonetheless, the dead city placed itself under the sea, curing and waiting.

Though they do not believe themselves, they just adore in Sea God even more, contending that only the God can deicide the destiny of the city. If the city is flourishing, it is blessed by the God. If the city is dying, it is cursed by the God. So they have to supplicate the forgiveness of God who promises them happiness only if they believe him and observe his order. In case that they are all guilty everyone becomes fair, no class, no profession, no difference, but the believer of God. Every career becomes the same, for instance soldiers become workers, and workers become farmers, farmers become professors, as well as professors become soldiers.

People start to clean up the city according to God’s wish, eliminate anything against him and amplify anything comply him. At the same time, the towers rotate again, while the standards have changed as values are defined by God’s judgment. Then everyone is the agent of God, even is the God, thinking others are all wrong and need to be discarded. So they are building a wall to clarifying their boundary between right and wrong, and destroying some wall built by others which defines them as wrong at the same time, so result the city as a crazy maze. And the city is shaking and rolling during every change, with its destroying structure, disturbing order and upsetting pattern. However, only people become more and more fanatical, because they believe the mass leads to new order, and all follow the God.

It’s a delirious city, illiberal in destroy, damage and self-abuse, and feel peace paradoxically.

After a long time, people intend to be tiring about the endless change and shake. Everything are calming down except their poverty and distress. They gradually doubt whether the God aim to save them, or whether it is the God who bring them ever disaster. Maybe, however, it will be better without the God. In the new position, god turns to be an evil, as axle to the fetter, tower to the pin, river to the chain, spring to the rope and bless to the curse. This potential flow spread quietly under the city into everyone’s mind. Finally, the day comes, when people gather in the center of the city and chop down the holy column with the axe of freedom.

Surprisingly, the liberalized city emerges out of the water again after that revolutionized moment. However, while the damaged city is not the old Atlantis anymore, the whole world has changed a lot as well.

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