
12 dead cities 1-3

XIXI - the diluted city
It is hard to determine whether Xixi is on city of a collection of many cites. As one city, you can not find its whole picture, as the city has already broken down into many pieces, separating form each other and keep away from each other. However, as a collection of different cities, you can neither recognize the boundary of any city unit nor distinguish them form each other. Furthermore, none of these pieces is complete enough to be considered as a city but only a part of one. The death of Xixi, as a death of city, is because it is absolutely not a city from the beginning.

SIAN - the distaste city
In fact, few people has actually been to Sian, but hate this city as well as the people from it. Without certain reason, Sian just received such a wicked repute, which spread fast aboard. As a result, everyone believes that Sian is as disgusting as the hearsay sounds. Nobody aim to visit it, while its residences do not intend to go out either, resulting in the fact that the hearsay takes place of the real city, kills the city and robs its name as its own. It is possible that Sian has changed its name into another one which you might have heard in chance or even been to the city, the abnormal beautiful one. Nonetheless, you will by no means know that is Sian. As if you do, who will believe you else?

ZOMA - the destruction city
Seldom city can die hard like this, while the moment of its death are framed as the most shining second throughout a city’s life. This moment is remembered, which make the city live in people’s heart because of its death forever. However, Zoma is the lucky one, dead without any omen and absolutely disappeared in one night. This city became a legend, and its image in people’s mind become far more colorful than the reality. As a result, this imagination serves to amplify its beauty of destruction. If there is a destiny, this city would live for its death.

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