
Story of Atlantis

Structure of Society and City

Collapse of City and Spirit


Crowded City


Four Hierarchy

Morality Arms

Track Record of Collapse

Atlantis was a flourishing and crowded city as the transportation is highly developed. There were not only a lot of roads but also numerous canals. Carriages and boats were busily running around all the spaces of the city. Buildings were also in high density that you have seldom chance to look thought them to see the sky. In fact, Atlantis is not a single city but ten cities gathering together which managed by ten god. These cities all connected to each other with bridges very well, which make them like a net that floating on the sea. Also, there were two water pipes hidden in these bridges, one was hot stream and one was cold stream that made people in Atlantis had very convenient life. There was a great canal run thought the city. It transported all the crucial material for city life as well as people’s happiness and sadness; it was the acanthi of Atlantis that connect the ocean and the heart of the city.

In the middle of the ring was a palace surrounded with garden, flowers, streams and trees. While in the palace there was a huge temple, which honors the god of this land – Poseidon. On the top of the pillar spire in temple there was a huge gold statue of Poseidon. There were numerous symbols engraved on the pillars which meant the decree of god. Around this pillar there were 100 pillars with fairies riding a dolphin on the top. And all the other 10 cities in the ring have their own tower with the statue of their god. From a distance, the whole cities group was just like candles on the cake.

This city had three colors which were black, red and white. Not only all the buildings were made in these colors, but also people’s clothes. Color was a symbol of rank and profession. White was for the clergy, they had very high status that can release god’s mind to govern the city. Red was for workers who built the city and were manufacturing tools to maintain the running of the entire city smoothly. Black was for shepherd, hunters and farmers who produced base material for the city life and were the bottom of the city. Also, the city has another color, metal, which can reflect the surrounding color. This color was for warrior who took the metal spear and shield array around the city to guard it and attack other countries.

Just like other cities, Atlantis also had fatigue, anger, fantasies and desire, but everything here was done combine with a ceremony. They were seemed to be the most lofty civilization; nonetheless actually they do everything including sin as sacrifice rituals. Because they were the model of the world, so everything in the city is grand and good in appearance, including the churches, theaters, brothels and toilet.

This city was accompanied by two projections. The celestial one was composing with divine place, represent sublimity. The infernal one was composing with grimy places, represent sin.

But with the corruption and depravity of people’s spirit, this city began to reverse. The grimy underground was holding to the air. Meanwhile, the holy sky-projection began to sink. But people in the city did not know. They were still seeking fake virtue from the sky, keeping on tamping the sky with their ideality.

Finally, the top-heavy city lost his balance and overturn completely, just like a ship turn over in the sea. People in Atlantis did not know the truth. Instead, they thought the sky collapsed as well as the heaven’s gates opened. In the meanwhile, numerous large columns of water washed down which made the whole city flooded. As rivers left the riverbed and ocean flooded its banks, the city sunk in one day.

Because the city was totally turned over, the virtue side back to the sky, the grimy side returned to the ground, so Atlantis left a wonderful and sacred impression in people’s memory. It becomes a myth, spread by his refugees all around the world.

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