
Fluctuant Box

This project is located in one of the most flourishing commercial street in Beijing, near the Da Yue Cheng Shopping Mall, which is the largest one in this area. So there are a lot of people walking by every moment. But this old shop is so small that no people will regard it. It needs a new fashion façade to attract attention and let people remember. The main view of this shop is from the bridge. My plan is to make the new façade looks changing while people walking by the bridge. I use two materials (semi-transparent glass and white painted wood) overlay layer by layer. Each of them has a certain curve pattern. When they mix together, they will generate a very interesting effect. The sunshine and shadow will strengthen its dramatics. The façade is different according to different time and position. In the evening, lights will illuminate the semi-transparent glass, which make the façade more attractive.

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