
sketchup gigantic spider & monsqitou

When things become much larger than their common size, they give us different sense:)


The Winners list of competetion

Here is the winner list of the Green Water City International Competetion.
more infomation in http://www.qpfuture.com/


we win the competetion!

We win the first prize of the Green Water City Competition:)
B034-Floating Park is our works.
You can find more infomation here


Bio Ceiling

This time is a parametrical design experiment, we made a big model in the office. it is made by paper components. We imagine the ceiling is melted and then twist the space. It looks like a cloud of light.
size: 1700x2700x70
count: 489 components
time: 4 days
cost: 300 RMB
menber: Ha Cheng, Ye Hui, Sun Xian

a rebuilding facade competition

we insert three boxes into the old building, and order the windows as elements dancing on the facade. The new figure of the building looks like a piece of music.


floating tent is created to skin a surface and have a game with the light and shadow.

the grid is fixed, but the squares in the hole can swing with the wind.

Bio Ball

Our first work made by grasshopper. A small bio ball :)